8/12/2019 0 Comments Check YourselfYou may know that years ago, I struggled with job burnout and depression. I was emotionally exhausted, constantly stressed, and using poor coping skills. Then I started an SNRI anti-depressant. As expected, my energy level got a boost after a few weeks.
I remember thinking that's what I needed. But I didn't get better. As a matter of fact, though I had more energy, I used it to engage in more bad behaviors. The complete opposite of where I needed to go. The drug was simply a tool, not a fix. It could just as easily be counterproductive as productive. In my case, it was like filling up the gas tank, but not changing the wrong direction I was driving. I was still headed for a cliff. I just sped it up. I had to check myself, and make the decision to do the right thing, whether I felt like it or not. Intention is everything. You can have more money, allow for more free time, lose the extra weight, meet the right partner, and have more opportunities, but your experiences won't be positive and meaningful until you make the decision to do right by your values, your purpose, and yourself. We can all do right by making one good decision at a time. Then another and another. So do the Right Thing! :)
8/6/2019 0 Comments What's Weighing You Down?Today we were told of the loss of a national treasure, Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison. When I was a teenager, I her novel, "The Bluest Eye." It is the gut-wrenching story of a young Black girl obsessively wanting to be white so she could be beautiful and loved. After that literary experience, I hungered for more Morrison, her works and her life story. She was a single mother willing to share her gifts and herself with the world. She led a profound life, well-read and well-lived. Today I give you one of my favorite Morrison quotes: "If you want to fly, you must give up the things that weigh you down." To have the things you desire, To grow into who you want to be, To live the inspired life you were meant to live, Let go of the things (and people) that are deadweight and slow you down. Your newfound freedom will take you to new heights. To Your Next Flight! 8/5/2019 0 Comments It's Not Them, It's You...This is a bit of a flashback but bear with me. When I was in AP Chemistry in high school, I really enjoyed my time. It was first period, and my senioritis was palpable when I entered the room. Many days I played the social butterfly & chatted the time away.
One day my teacher pulled me aside. She said that I was a catalyst for the other students. She told me that if I came in focused on being productive, everyone else was too. But if I was chatty and distracting, then most of the class followed suit. The latter was unusual for us since we were studious, generally quiet kids. I got right very quickly, and she was right, everyone else fell in line. That was one of the first times I realized the power of presence. Like a catalyst that speeds up reactions just by being there: Your presence can make all the difference. What are you a catalyst for? What do you energize others to do? Yesterday, I spoke about stepping into your fruit-bearing calling. Sometimes we are hesitant to do it because we are unsure anyone would want what we offer or would follow our lead. The truth is, just like with my class, people are taking cues from us all the time whether we realize it or not. Imagine if we were all more intentional about it & go all in on our fruit-bearing calling, each of us can change our corner of the world for the better & collectively CHANGE THE WORLD. Do you! |
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